» Face to Face » Video Interview Tips    
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Video Interview - Do's and Dont's Questions To Ask

Video interviews are becoming more commonplace in the workplace. As hiring becomes more global, both for employers and candidates, video interviewing is a way to expedite the interview process. Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first round interviews more quickly, save on transportation costs, and get the interview process started much faster using video conferencing than they can scheduling
in-person interviews.

With advance planning and preparation, the video interview isn't very different from an in-person interview. You will mostly like be interviewing in a professional environment, either at a recruiter's office or at a company that provides video conferencing services.
So, plan your interview as you would have any other job interview.
Here are a few tips worth refering

Some useful links for reference - Video Interview
1. Preparation, presentation key in video job interview
2. The modern way to interview
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